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SJN Building Consultants are experts in the field of property and construction
Handover inspections
SJN Building Consultants specialise in handover inspections, which we conduct all over New South Wales.
Why is a Handover inspection necessary?
A handover inspection is crucial before you take possession of your new home from the builder. We make sure your new home has been constructed in a professional manner and that the house is built to a high standard.
At SJN Building Consultants, a handover inspection is something that we offer as a service all over New South Wales. The handover inspection is vastly important as after the completion of any home, you only have a finite window to report any defects or faults. The handover inspection is completed before you pay the last progress payment on your contract. If an inspection is not completed, you leave yourself open to any post-building costs which your builder may not take responsibility for. Included in the handover inspection is an assessment and examination of your new home’s interior, exterior, fittings, appliances, etc to make sure it meets the standards required.